Joust Sports Extends Partnership With DFA

Dodgeball Federation Australia is proud to extend our partnership with Joust Sports & Australian Volleyball Warehouse in 2018. 

Joust Sports are Australia’s leading manufacturer in Volleyball equipment and accessories. In our case, the products are easily transferable to the sport of Dodgeball.

Joust Sports are also the official supplier of Australian Dodgeroos Kneepads, and offer a great range of products at their store for our athletes.

The DFA now sells Joust Kneepads, which can be purchased at a 10% discount to our League Affiliates / Playing Members. Joust Kneepads will be available to purchase at ADPL, affiliate competitions and via our website. Further details will be unveiled soon.

We thank Joust Sports for their ongoing support, and look forward to continuing our successful partnership.